
Sibylle Hess is assistant professor of data mining at TU Eindhoven. She completed her Ph.D. summa cum laude in 2019 at Katharina Morik's lab at TU Dortmund University, Germany, as an employee of the collaborative research center SFB876. In her thesis, she investigated the derivation of (certifiably) robust clustering methods under the framework of matrix factorizations.

Michiel Hochstenbach is an associate professor of mathematics at TU Eindhoven. His interests include numerical linear algebra, inverse problems, and probabilistic methods. Michiel has been awarded an NSF grant in the US (2004-2007) as well as an NWO Vidi research grant in The Netherlands (2012-2017). He received several best paper awards, and is member of the editor board of various journals. He is advisor or co-advisor of several PhD students, who have won best paper awards themselves.